Today let us examine and let us verify the various answers given by different human beings,  time will not permit us to deal with all of them since the time is limited I will pick up the more famous and the more important answers given by different human beings. 

First we'll discuss can Muhammad peace be upon him be the author of the Quran whether

consciously subconsciously or unconsciously,  it is rather a tragedy that a person disagrees when a person disclaims that he is not responsible for any great work whether literally over

the scientific but this is exactly what the Orientalists and the critics of Islam do when they say Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him of all the earth of the Quran never ever has the prophet ever claimed that he was author of the Quran,  not even a single word of the Quran he never claimed it yet when he disclaimed that he was not the author and the Quran happens to be a masterpiece in the work of Arabic.  

So why will a person disclaim the responsibility of a work which is the masterpiece.


Why should he lie and we know from history from his youth till the day he claimed prophethood at the age of 40 years never has a single lie reported to have been said by Muhammad peace be upon him.

History never reports a single lie and before he claimed prophet hood he was known

for his truthfulness his honesty and history and he was given the title al-amin the trustworthy by friends and foes alike and there are several examples even those people after the

prophet claimed prophethood and they said that he was lying yet his enemies his Falls they kept their valuables with the Prophet for safety and this is known when the Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina and he told his nephew has Itali may Allah be pleased with him that give these valuables to the rightful owners. Even his false even after they said he

lied yet they trusted him and kept the valuables with him why and we have the example that Abu Sufyan who was the chief of one of the tribes of Makkah when he went to Emperor

Heraclius and asked him for support against the Prophet and when the Emperor asked him that do you know of any instance in which the Prophet lied or had he done any injustice and Abu Sufyan even though he was enemy of the Prophet that time he had to reply no.

So why should a person with such honesty and trust and chastity why should he lie.